Evolving a Revolutionary Brand

Evolving a Revolutionary Brand

Aligning Astech’s brand identity with its innovative, future-focused purpose.

The Challenge

As the world’s leading provider of automated solutions, for the world’s most innovative companies, Astech wanted to step up their modest branding to mirror their transformative technology and put themselves ahead of their competitors. To succeed, Refinery was tasked to create a new brand identity that reinforces its stance as a modern, progressive systems integrator.

The Idea

Choosing evolution over revolution we elevated the brand, maintaining its core values but updating its personality. We refreshed the brand’s entire look and feel, carving out a unique future-focused, innovative, and solution-based positioning. Combined with a confident colour palette and consistent photography overlays, the brand evokes futuristic power. As part of the Schauenburg International Group, we wanted this project to set a precedent for the future of Schauenburg companies, by which it has exceeded expectations.

The Execution

Alongside the brand identity, we created a new website, internal collateral, signage, social content and a showreel.

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