Price Promise 2023

Price Promise 2023

The Challenge

Create a memorable ad that highlights Deichmann’s key offering of good quality shoes at good prices. Which, in turn, generates an uplift in FILA and Skechers sales; increases brand awareness and consideration within Brand Index of 1-3% points during the campaign; and improves price perception in Kantar tracking by 1-3% points.

The Idea

We knew we were speaking to ‘savvy mums’, and insights revealed that this audience relies heavily on peer-to-peer reviews. So, we decided to dramatise this. If their trusted Price Promise, Buy One Get One Half Price offer and the best-priced branded shoes on the high street meant that once you’ve been to Deichmann you simply can’t stop talking about them, our playful concept showed one mum sharing the news of her bargain find at the most inopportune moments…

The Execution

We created social executions that tested different creative - more product focused V’s more lifestyle and storytelling - to see which executions performed better. The TVC ran as 30” and 10” adverts.

The Results

Skechers and Fila sales were up by 89% LFL, all sports brands were up by 78% LFL and total sales were up by 27% LFL. Figures revealed an 86% completion rate of our online video and the sales uplift was unprecedented, with a scarcity of stock levels meaning we almost had to amend the advert!

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